Friday, February 28, 2014

TTM Returns 2/28/14

Today I received 6 TTM returns; a slow Spring Training finally heated up today. I think all the snow we've gotten recently has been wreaking havoc on my mail delivery. I didn't have any mail for the past 3 days and today I had about 20 pieces!

Mike Olt: 2/2
Out: 2/10  In: 2/28
And then I got 6 returns from my favorite player Brandon Barnes!!!

Brandon Barnes: 5/5, 5/5, 5/5, 5/5, 5/5
Out: 2/10  In: 2/28
I have about 130 Brandon Barnes cards to get signed so this puts a nice dent into that total :)
I'm really impressed with how nice he is and what a great signer he is. It makes me sad seeing him in a Rockies uniform this spring

Monday, February 24, 2014

TTM Returns 2/24/14

2 returns in today...

Vance Worley: 1/4, signed 1 & kept 3
Out: 2/10  In: 2/24
 Coby Fleener: 6/6
Out: 1/6  In: 2/24

Sunday, February 23, 2014


Graphing has been slow lately. I thought I'd gotten back into the TTM game with a hot streak of returns but not much since. I mailed out 20 Spring Training requests yesterday. I have about 75 left to mail out once my student loan refund comes this week.

I graphed my favorite team, the Houston Rockets, when they were here the other week. It was just awful.

Donatas Montiejunas: 1/1
TTM has been slow as well but have gotten some good returns

Taylor Schilling: 3/3 c/o Orange is the New Black
Out: 1/4  In: 2/20
Amazing success!! I love her in Orange is the New Black! So excited to get this back

Lars Anderson: 2/5
Out: 3/11/13  In: 2/20
Ryan Church: 4/4
Out: 1/6  In: 2/14
David Lough: 1/4 (MLB debut ticket)
Out: 4/29/13  In: 2/15
Jamie Moyer: 7/7, 7/7, 7/7, 7/7

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Weekly Recap 1/26-2/1

Slow week of graphing but got a few TTM returns

Brian Bogusevic: 5/5 c/o home
Out: 1/6  In: 1/27
Fast Return from the former Astro. Very happy to get him back
Dirk Nowitzki: 1/1 8x10, 1/1 card
8x10 Out: 1/4  In: 1/31
Card Out: 1/6  In: 1/31

I also had a friend get a few things signed for me at Twinsfest. I really appreciated him taking the time to get me Scott Diamond since he was very hard for me to get outside the stadium this year. I saw him sign multiple times inside, but I was always doing the visiting team and never had my photos for him. I got him on a 16x20. He also got me a few prospects. I decided to skip Twinsfest this year because tickets went up to $20/day, it was moved to Target Field so wouldn't be as fruitful as the Metrodome, and there were no free lines.

Scott Diamond: 1/3
BJ Hermsen: 4/8
Jose Berrios: 1/1